Winston-Salem Story
Creative Direction
BOUND is a conceptual project developed for the 2020 Walt Disney Imagineering ImagiNations Design Competition. Over 300 teams entered the competition, out of which six finalist teams were selected to present their concepts in Glendale Ca. at WDI's offices in a week-long trip.
BOUND focuses on the pivotal story of the Happy Hill community and its strides forward into the future. Simultaneously, it shines a light on the city of Winston-Salem and promotes a more diverse future through arts and innovation.
Note: This project was conceived by the University of North Carolina BOUND Team and created for the 2020 Walt Disney Imagineering’s Imaginations Design Competition. This project is the sole property of Walt Disney Imagineering and all rights to use these ideas are exclusive to Walt Disney Imagineering. The competition is a way for students and recent graduates to showcase their talents, and for Walt Disney Imagineering to identify new talent.

Conceived by:
Jake Frizzelle ( Participant #1 )
Bailey Heppler ( Participant #2 )
Shannon Kelly ( Participant #3 )